The Hong Kong Jockey Club yesterday (25 July) announced its continued support for the Hong Kong Sports Institute (“HKSI”) by sponsoring the Jockey Club Athlete Incentive Awards Scheme (“JCAIAS”). This sponsorship, which extends the Club’s support for the JCAIAS for three years, comes as local elite athletes gear up to compete in this year’s Asian Games in Hangzhou, as well as FISU World University Games in Chengdu.
The JCAIAS aims to support the all-round development of local athletes by providing cash incentives to recognise those who earn distinction for Hong Kong by winning gold, silver or bronze medals in top-level competitions.
Our Association has continuously fight for the support of the government and related authorities to enhance the incentive awards for the Asian Games medalists over the years. We therefore welcome the support by HKJC of the scheme. While the Hangzhou Asian Games is approaching in September, we believe that the enhanced scheme undoubtedly will provide direct motivation to the Hong Kong athletes. A total of 4 men’s and 4 women’s  squash athletes will compete for 5 events including Men’s & Women’s Team, Men’s & Women’s Singles, plus the newly added Mixed Doubles event.

Jockey Club Athlete Incentive Awards Scheme: Details of Cash Incentives

Hangzhou Asian Games (23 September to 8 October 2023)
Gold HK$1,000,000
Silver HK$500,000
Bronze HK$250,000

Gold HK$2,000,000
Silver HK$1,000,000
Bronze HK$500,000

Photo credit : HK01