Titled Sponsored by Tecnifibre, organized by Hong Kong Squash, subvented by Leisure & Cultural Services Department and supported by Perrier, "Tecnifibre Squash Cup Hon Kong 2018" will be held between 16 to 22 Sep at Hong Kong Squash Centre. The draws of Men's and Women's Main Draw and Plate Events have been released. 

Please check your matches schedule and Notes to Participants via the following link, 


Matches Schedule:

Men's A

Men's B

Men's C

Men's D

Women's A

Women's B

Note to Participants:

Note to Participants



Besides, please read carefully the "Notes to Participants".

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at 2337 6881 or 2810 4086. 

Thank you onece again for your support towards Tecnifibre Squash Cup Hong Kong 2018.